
Climate-aligned clauses you can use in commercial contracts and legal documents

12 clauses


Arbeitsvertragsklauseln mit ES(G)-Bezug

Mit dieser Klausel werden Nachhaltigkeitsziele in Arbeitsverträge integriert, um sicherzustellen, dass diese von Anfang an in der Wirtschaft des Unternehmens verankert sind.

Jurisdiction: Germany




Diese Klausel führt Unternehmen zu mehr sozialer Verantwortung durch eine ESG-orientierte Unternehmensführung.

Jurisdiction: Germany



ESG-orientierte Vergütung und Entlohnung von Geschäftsführenden

Diese Klausel soll Geschäftsführenden einen Anreiz geben, die Unternehmenstätigkeit stärker an den Klimazielen auszurichten, indem ihnen eine ESG-orientierte Vergütung angeboten wird.

Jurisdiction: Germany


Lisa-Marie's LDDQ

Corporate ESG LDD-Questionnaire

Questions that can be added to a due diligence questionnaire which ask the target company to provide information regarding a wide range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

Jurisdiction: Germany


Valentina's Clause

Promotion of Sustainable Consumption and Travel in TV Production

This clause helps broadcasters use their purchasing power in service agreements with production companies to give television an active role in raising awareness of the climate emergency. 

Jurisdiction: Germany


Suse's Clause

Net Zero Sponsor Activation Clauses

This clause creates a net zero corporate outcome from a sponsorship agreement using the influence of the sponsored individual or organisation to have a positive impact on climate change.

Jurisdiction: Germany


Olga's Clause

Model Smart Mobility Data Sharing Clauses

These open-source data sharing agreement clauses can be used by cities across the EU within their standard form data sharing agreements to enable the development of the sustainable mobility sector.

Jurisdiction: Germany


Andrea's Clause

Green IT/ Green Hardware/ Sustainable Data Centers

This is a Green IT/ Hardware clause that requires companies to operate existing hardware in a more resource-efficient manner and to establish new concepts that make data centers more energy efficient.

Jurisdiction: Germany


Steve's Clause

Green Film Production Credits

This clause encourages the reduction of the carbon footprint of film production and raises public awareness of this in the credits. 

Jurisdiction: Germany


Enzo's Clause

Green Coding/ Green Software/ Resource Efficient Programming

This is a green coding clause that obligates companies to develop software (or have it developed) in an energy-efficient and sustainable manner. 

Jurisdiction: Germany


Lily's Clauses

ESG Clauses for Rules of Procedure for Managing Directors of a German Limited Liability Company (GmbH)

Clauses that set out ESG obligations for the management of private limited liability companies. These clauses are drafted to be flexible for parties to tailor to their requirements. 

Jurisdiction: Germany


Vincent and George's Licence

Climate Solutions IPR Licence

The climate solutions intellectual property rights (IPR) licence could be adopted by organisations who wish to take a more open approach to using IPR to contribute towards the generation and deployment of climate solutions. 

Jurisdiction: Germany


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