
Climate-aligned clauses you can use in commercial contracts and legal documents

9 clauses


Arbeitsvertragsklauseln mit ES(G)-Bezug

Mit dieser Klausel werden Nachhaltigkeitsziele in Arbeitsverträge integriert, um sicherzustellen, dass diese von Anfang an in der Wirtschaft des Unternehmens verankert sind.

Jurisdiction: Germany




Diese Klausel führt Unternehmen zu mehr sozialer Verantwortung durch eine ESG-orientierte Unternehmensführung.

Jurisdiction: Germany



ESG-orientierte Vergütung und Entlohnung von Geschäftsführenden

Diese Klausel soll Geschäftsführenden einen Anreiz geben, die Unternehmenstätigkeit stärker an den Klimazielen auszurichten, indem ihnen eine ESG-orientierte Vergütung angeboten wird.

Jurisdiction: Germany


Javier's Clause

Stakeholder Company Climate Questionnaire

A questionnaire for a third party to put to a company or other organisation to find out more about its taking decarbonisation or net-zero transition plan.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Sasha's Clause

Net Zero Within Company Whistleblowing Policies

Guidelines to incorporate wider environmental protections into companies’ whistleblowing regimes in line with their adopted policies on net zero.  

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Elliot's Handbook

Net Zero Culture Employment Handbook

Sustainability policies to include in employment handbooks so that these issues permeate all levels of the employment relationship and encourage development of a sustainable culture.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Scarlett's Performance Conditions

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Based Performance Conditions for Employee Incentive Awards

Conditions that incentivise performance by linking directors’ share-based remuneration awards to achieving climate targets.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Eric's Clause

Employer-Employee Environmental Obligations

This clause repurposes employee leave periods as opportunities to volunteer with environmental organisations by integrating climate-conscious employer-employee obligations into employment contracts.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Athena's Clause

Employee Climate Engagement Provisions

A clause in employment contracts that empowers employees to participate and actively engage in the climate ambitions and net zero targets of their employer.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


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