Glossary term

Offset Provider

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Definition 1

Offset Provider means an organisation providing carbon credits or voluntary emission reduction credits for one of the following:

(a) a project verified in accordance with [insert name of voluntary standard]

(b) a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) clean development mechanism (CDM) [or successor UNFCCC mechanism] project.

Drafting notes and guidance

The credits that can be used under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme are specified in articles 58-61 of the Fifth Registries Regulation (Commission Regulation (EU) No 389/2013) and Article 11a(8) of the EU ETS Linking Directive 2004 (Directive 2004/101/EC), which was replaced by the EU ETS Amending Directive 2009 (Directive 2009/29/EC).

Using this option would mean Emission Reduction Units from UNFCCC Joint Implementation projects would be permissible for use as offsets.

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