
Get notified when we update a clause

You can now subscribe to individual clauses and receive email alerts every time we make an update to them.

Over the last 4 years, we have developed and published over 150 copyright-free clauses drawing over 1,500 visitors every week from around the world. These clauses are the foundation of our organisation, the reason we exist today and why so many people trust our work. While we continue to innovate by publishing new content like our guides, we’ve learned that maintaining our clauses and sending updates to our users is equally as important.

Why maintenance is important

Last year we ran a research project to review the design and structure of our old website, conducting in-depth interviews with over 20 users from various roles and jurisdictions. Speaking to our users and seeing the world through their eyes teaches us new things and gives us new perspectives on the work we do. 

During these sessions we learned the clause’s last updated date helps users determine whether:

  • The content is trustworthy and relevant.  This is useful for clauses that change with regulation or market norms. 
  • There is new or important information. This is useful for those familiar with our clauses, who either have them embedded in contracts or part of their internal knowledge banks.

Understanding this last point helped us recognise the opportunity to notify our users when we make changes. The broadcast of maintenance had real value to them.

When we look at the world with a maintenance mindset, innovation may become a means to an end but will never be a goal in and of itself. Keeping maintenance in mind also helps us to remember that every innovation, every new machine or metro line, will eventually need to be serviced or repaired.

What saves lives, resources and the Earth?

You can now subscribe for updates to individual clauses 

We’re interested in users who are invested in the future of a clause, as we think this is a good indication that the clause is being used. After all, our clauses only deliver their intended impact when they’re in a contract. So to help these users, we’ve developed a simple way for them to subscribe for updates and benefit from improvements being made. 

A screenshot of a clause, with the "get email alerts for updates" button highlighted

Most of our inboxes are busy and chaotic places to be, and we didn’t want to add to that noise. This is why we let users subscribe on a clause-by-clause basis, meaning they only receive updates about the clauses they care about.

From an editorial perspective, the maintenance of clauses is also methodical, updating one clause at a time. Sending updates on this basis means we aren’t beholden to other activities happening within our organisation and don’t risk important updates being lost among other announcements.

When will we send update notifications?

We will only generate an update notification (and amend the last updated date) when there has been a material change to the substance of the clause, such as when there is a change in legislation or market practice. We will not send updates for minor corrections, such as typos or broken links.

What will the update notifications contain?

The notification emails simply contain the most useful information, such as;

  • Name of the clause
  • Jurisdiction
  • What change has been made and why
  • How you can help improve the clause
  • How to unsubscribe from future notifications
A screenshot of an example email notification

How you can help

Give feedback on our clauses

Giving feedback helps us maintain our content. You can do this via the “give feedback on this clause” button.

A screenshot of a clause, with the "give feedback on this clause" button highlighted

Complete our impact survey

By completing our impact survey, you are helping us learn about your experience with our organisation and our work. All responses are confidential and we publish our findings each year in our impact report.

Become a research participant

Another way that you can help us is to become a research participant. We will always ask you if you have time and will try to keep it as short as we can. If you don’t have time for a particular request, you can opt-out at any time. 

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