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Giulia's Protocols

Decrease Dispute Carbon Footprint

Two similar protocols (litigation and arbitration) with modules which parties can opt into at the start of a dispute to make it lower carbon and greener.  

Flavia's Clause

Encourage Sustainable Practice in Arbitrations

Clause encouraging parties to arbitration to create all documents in electronic form and conduct all hearings remotely or virtually, where possible

Allegra's Clause

Introduce Climate Considerations to Dispute Resolution

Clause encouraging parties to arbitration to create all documents in electronic form and conduct all hearings remotely or virtually, where possible.


Arbeitsvertragsklauseln mit ES(G)-Bezug

Mit dieser Klausel werden Nachhaltigkeitsziele in Arbeitsverträge integriert, um sicherzustellen, dass diese von Anfang an in der Wirtschaft des Unternehmens verankert sind.



Diese Klausel führt Unternehmen zu mehr sozialer Verantwortung durch eine ESG-orientierte Unternehmensführung.


ESG-orientierte Vergütung und Entlohnung von Geschäftsführenden

Diese Klausel soll Geschäftsführenden einen Anreiz geben, die Unternehmenstätigkeit stärker an den Klimazielen auszurichten, indem ihnen eine ESG-orientierte Vergütung angeboten wird.

Lisa-Marie's LDDQ

Corporate ESG LDD-Questionnaire

Questions that can be added to a due diligence questionnaire which ask the target company to provide information regarding a wide range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

Wendy's Clause

Climate-Related Disclosure and Emissions Data in Loans (Australian law or APLMA)

A generic reporting or disclosure clause that can be included in the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (APLMA) information and undertakings provisions of any corporate loan, and is not limited to those loans which are either (i) linked to sustainability goals or (ii) are considered ‘green’ projects. 

Ruby's Clause

Short Form Shareholders’ Agreement

Amendments to a standard early stage shareholders’ agreement for SMEs that enable investors to hold an SME to account on climate change issues and align all parties’ interests with achieving net zero.

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