Glossary term

Target Boundaries

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Definition 1

Target Boundary means all of the following parameters [the Company] [will OR should] use when setting its [Net Zero Target OR emissions reduction target]:

(a) the [operational control OR financial control OR equity share] method will be used to determine [Company's] organisational boundary

(b) near-term emissions reduction targets will cover at least [95 (ninety-five) percent] of Company-wide Scope 1 and 2 Emissions and at least [67 (sixty-seven)percent] of Scope 3 Emissions

(c) long-term emissions reduction targets will cover at least [95 (ninety-five) percent] of Company-wide Scope 1 and 2 Emissions and at least [90 (ninety) percent] of Scope 3 Emissions

(d) emissions reduction targets will cover all Greenhouse Gases.

Drafting notes and guidance

Companies should use the same boundaries when: (i) accounting for their current emissions; and (ii) setting net zero targets and emissions reduction targets.

See the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for an understanding of the different organisational boundary approaches.

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