
Align the board with climate goals

Enable good climate governance from the top down

This guide enables companies to:

  • align their corporate strategy and transition plan
  • incentivise board members to achieve their emissions-reduction targets
  • mitigate reputational and liability risks, especially greenwashing
  • demonstrate climate leadership and commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Align directors’ duties with climate targets

Use governance documents to make directors accountable for reducing the company’s emissions and achieving other climate goals.

Write directors’ responsibilities into, for example, company policies or articles of association. This incentivises directors to align the business with Paris Agreement goals, especially if they risk personal liability for failing to comply.

Example wording

Subject to the articles, the directors are responsible for the management of [the Company]’s business, for which purpose they may exercise all the powers of [the Company].

The directors shall manage [the Company] in a manner that achieves all of the following:

The directors shall do all of the following:

  • make judgments regarding climate risk that are based on a reasonable consensus of scientific opinion
  • accord appropriate weight to climate risk
  • implement reasonable measures to mitigate the risks to the long-term financial profitability and resilience of [the Company] in the transition to a low-carbon economy aligned with the global temperature objective of 1.5C under the Paris Agreement
  • adopt strategies which are reasonably likely to meet [the Company]’s targets to mitigate climate risk
  • ensure that the strategies adopted to manage climate risk are reasonably in the control of both existing and future directors.

Establish a board committee for sustainability

See Allocate responsibility for delivery of the transition plan section of our Deliver a climate transition plan guide.

Directors should be rewarded for achieving climate goals and emissions-reduction targets as well as held accountable if they fail to do so.

Example wording

Key principles of the remuneration policy for executive directors

The executive directors’ compensation package should promote the long-term, sustainable success of [the Company], with a focus on its environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets.

The ESG targets are set on an annual basis and aligned with our externally communicated ambitions. Where performance is below the agreed ambition, the remuneration committee will use its discretion to assess vesting based on performance against the stated ambition and any other relevant information. The remuneration committee will determine the actual weighting of an award prior to grant.

The remuneration committee seeks guidance each year from the sustainability committee when assessing and reviewing performance ESG targets. The remuneration committee has taken a holistic view of [the Company]’s performance in critical areas, including any matters outside the targets which the sustainability committee considers relevant.

The [relevant incentive arrangement] is subject to the following performance conditions:

Financial performance condition


ESG performance condition

[●] percent of the [relevant incentive arrangement] is subject to [the Company] achieving the ESG performance condition.

The remuneration committee will assess the ESG performance condition based on [the Company] meeting the following criteria by [date]:

Environmental targets[●] percent
Social targets[●] percent
Governance targets[●] percent

Remuneration report

Environmental targets

Subject to shareholder approval of the proposed [year] policy, the targets for the [relevant incentive arrangement] will be reviewed annually by the committee and those agreed for [year] are:

  • within [time period], setting emissions-reduction targets validated by the Science Based Targets initiative and signing up to Race to Zero
  • meeting its public commitment to reduce scope 1, 2 [and 3] emissions by [●] percent by [year]
  • achieving [●] of the interim targets set out in its transition plan
  • assessing and verifying [the Company]’s carbon footprint in accordance with [one of the recognised carbon footprint standards]
  • purchasing electricity for its offices [and other premises] on a green tariff that uses 100 percent renewable energy
  • making investment decisions for carbon capture, utilisation and storage projects [insert other specific type of relevant low-carbon fuel technology, if relevant]
  • using web hosts and cloud service providers that run their servers on 100 percent renewable energy or have their own net-zero target
  • establishing and implementing a training programme for all employees on the actions taken by [the Company] to achieve its net-zero target, the need for the transition to net zero to be a just transition and, in particular, how employees can help to reduce [the Company]’s scope 3 emissions
  • donating [●] percent of its net profits to entities who aim to mitigate the impact of climate change
  • using contract clauses to align [the Company]’s activities and relationships, including its supply chain contracts, with its emissions-reduction targets and providing support required by its contract partners to assist them in fulfilling those obligations.

[Include an analysis of [the Company]’s performance against each target and an analysis of trends or changes in the entity’s performance.]

Personal and strategic objectives for the [job title] in [year]

[Objectives could include: to ensure carbon data methodology and data collection process is robust enough to anchor our ESG roadmap;  to address performance issues and capability requirements to drive forward our ESG agenda; to complete energy audits, together with action plans for achieving reductions by the end of [year].]

Category    Objective(s) set Met?      Commentary
ESG[insert objectives
relevant to the 
 [the remuneration report
should  report on progress
against these objectives]

Factor climate considerations into board decisions

Ensure the board makes decisions that support rather than undermine its transition plan

Integrate climate obligations into contracts

Impose legally binding and enforceable obligations to help meet emissions-reduction targets

Climate clauses using the contractual solutions in this guide

Lila’s Clause

Board Paper Implementing Net Zero for SMEs

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Jedda’s Clause

Indigenous/ Local Knowledge in Board Director Appointments

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Elliot’s Handbook

Net Zero Culture Employment Handbook

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Glossary definitions used in this guide

Glossary term

Carbon Footprint


Definitions: 5

Glossary term

Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Definitions: 3

Glossary term

Just Transition


Definitions: 3

Glossary term

Net Zero


Definitions: 2

Glossary term

Paris Agreement Goals


Definitions: 1

Glossary term

Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions


Definitions: 3

Glossary term

Transition Plan


Definitions: 1


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