2023 Impact Report: Executive summary
Who we are
The Chancery Lane Project (TCLP) is the largest global network of lawyers and business leaders using the power of climate contracting to deliver fast and fair decarbonisation.
Our resources include 160 free, open access climate clauses for immediate use in agreements and contract precedents. These clauses offer contract solutions to common climate obligations.
Our 2023 impact report features case studies about organisations, firms and companies that have successfully used our clauses internally or with their clients. It also includes quotes from our 2023 impact survey to share our participantsʼ motivations and experiences. Each case study and quote is a call to action for the reader from their peers.
TCLP in numbers
events which TCLP hosted or spoke at in 2023
attendees at those events
active working groups in 37 jurisdictions
participants from 20% of FTSE 100
participants from 52% of US top 25 law firms working in London
participants from 75% of global elite firms
What we do
We enable lawyers and business leaders to use contracts to tackle the climate crisis. We work with professionals from around the world to help them put climate contracting principles into their agreements. Transitioning to a decarbonised economy needs powerful levers. Contracts are such a lever: fast, bespoke, transnational and legally binding.
Our year in summary
- Adoption. Shifting from clause creation to clause use was our biggest development this year. We host 160 contract ready climate clauses. We have reduced our focus on creating new content, in favour of spending more time supporting companies to use clauses in their contracts.
- Advocacy. Use of the clauses triggers a snowball effect, encouraging other organisations to take action. We have a rapidly expanding community of champions using our content, improving it and supporting others to do the same.
- Market development. Our work is beginning to set new market norms in the field of contracting. Market development will continue to be a focus of our efforts going forward.
Thank you to the 3,600+ pioneering legal and business professionals who contribute their time, energy and expertise to TCLP.
We extend a huge thank you to our funders who have provided the resources, oen with accompanying technical expertise, that assure the continuing success of TCLP. Our current funders are DRK Foundation, Generation Foundation, Laudes Foundation and Quadrature Climate Foundation.
Particular thanks goes to the trustees and staff of the Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action (CIVA) who have been our fiscal sponsor and project home throughout the last three years. They have been critical in enabling TCLP to register as an independent charity in 2023, allowing us to transition out of CIVA in early 2024.
Previous impact reports
- TCLP 2022 impact report (PDF, 13MB)
- TCLP 2021 impact report (PDF, 2MB)