
Climate aligned clauses you can use in commercial contracts and legal documents

153 clauses

Nithya's Clause

Climate-Linked Product Surveillance

A clause for supply contracts incentivising climate change adaptation in product supply chains. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Scarlett's Performance Conditions

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Based Performance Conditions for Employee Incentive Awards

Conditions that incentivise performance by linking directors’ share-based remuneration awards to achieving climate targets.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Willow’s Clause

Construction Materials: Procurement

This clause sets a carbon budget for construction projects, along with the financial budget, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Jurisdiction: USA


Dorothy’s Clause

Alteration/ Improvement Provisions in Leases to Improve Climate/ Environmental Impact of Buildings and Better Use of Shared Space

This clause requires landlords to act reasonably when tenants propose alterations to their premises (and changes of use) or improvements to common areas, which have a positive climate impact.

Jurisdiction: USA


Drew's DDQ

Climate Change Due Diligence Questionnaire

This DDQ is for buyers to assess a target’s net zero transition readiness, resilience and ability to adapt to future climate risks.

Jurisdiction: USA


Benton's Clause

Deforestation and Land Use Change Clause and Questionnaire

This clause and the associated self-assessment questionnaire enable businesses and law firms to gain a better understanding of deforestation and land use change across their supply chains.

Jurisdiction: USA


Kristen's Clause

Dockless Mobility Data Sharing Clauses

This clause is designed to be inserted in licenses or permits or permit applications when a shared mobility company is applying for right-of-way use.

Jurisdiction: USA


Briony's Clause

Landlord and Tenant Obligations to Provide Renewable Electricity

This clause is a fundamental part of any landlord and tenant’s strategy to reach net zero.

Jurisdiction: USA


Rafa’s Clause

Renewable Energy Requirements in Supply Contracts

A precedent clause for a supply agreement requiring the supplier/ contractor to procure energy from renewable sources.

Jurisdiction: USA


Justin's Clause

SPA/ APA/ Investment Agreement: Representations, Warranties and Covenants Re: Disclosure of Climate Change Plans

This clause ties seller-provided information to contractually enforceable representations, warranties and covenants, giving a buyer access to truthful climate-related information. 

Jurisdiction: USA


Adam’s Clause

Sustainable and Circular Economy Principles in Leasing Arrangements for Repairs and Alterations

Sustainable and circular economy provisions for the repair, alteration, yielding up and decoration covenants in a lease, which encourage landlords and tenants to re-use goods and materials.

Jurisdiction: USA


Madeline’s Clause

Sustainable Soil Management Obligations

A set of sustainable soil management obligations allowing businesses to manage their reliance on soil, its functions and related ecosystem services.

Jurisdiction: USA


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