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Climate-aligned clauses you can use in commercial contracts and legal documents

178 clauses

Laith and Irsa's Clause

Interest Ratchet Clause for Carbon Saving

An interest ratchet mechanism for loan facility agreements that lowers the cost of capital for companies who (directly or indirectly) save carbon in their operations. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Cassie's Clause

Insurance: Disclosure and Mitigation of Pending Climate Change Litigation

A clause ‘extending’ insurance policies to cover pending climate change litigation, on the condition that the policyholder discloses its net zero targets and climate risk exposure.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Archie's Clause

Insurance Premium Adjustment for D&O Climate-related Financial Disclosures

This clause incentivises companies to mitigate climate risk through a reduction in insurance premiums for policyholders who meet agreed disclosure standards regarding climate-related financial risks.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Jedda's Clause

Indigenous/ Local Knowledge in Board Director Appointments

This clause is a comprehensive toolkit for appointing Indigenous Peoples/Person as a director of a company. The clause includes a suggested definition of the term Indigenous Peoples/ Person.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Millie's Clause

Incentives for Insured Parties to Disclose and Meet GHG Emissions Targets

This clause adapts Connor’s Clause to place additional disclosure obligations on the insured if it changes, meets or fails to meet its emissions reduction targets, linked to premium adjustments. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


William's Clause

Heads of Terms for Landowner Collaboration on Environmental Schemes

Heads of terms between two or more landowners for a comprehensive collaboration agreement in which they can designate land for entry into a publicly-funded environmental scheme, or a private project.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Caesar's Clause

Greener and More Efficient HGVs in Road and Multimodal Transport Agreements

A clause requiring contracting carriers to use energy efficient vehicles for any road carriage under a transport agreement, or otherwise specify that a percentage of road journeys will use green HGVs.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Evan's Protocols

Green Transaction Execution Protocols

Green execution protocols which parties can adopt at the start of a transaction to minimise the carbon footprint of deal execution.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Annie's Clause

Green Termination Provision (Short Form)

A clause that allows a right of termination for a customer so that they can pivot to a greener supplier to meet their sustainability, climate or other environmental objectives. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


ZoĂ« and Bea’s Clause

Green Supplier Agreement Terms

Green procurement clauses and a checklist to focus standard supply agreements on reducing emissions across a value chain.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Ava's Clause

Green Shareholders’ Agreement (Short Form for SMEs)

Amendments to a standard early stage shareholders’ agreement for SMEs that enable investors to hold an SME to account on climate change issues and align all parties’ interests with achieving net zero.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Lauren's Clause

Green Shareholders’ Agreement

Clauses for a shareholders' agreement which allow investors to hold the company to account on climate issues and incentivise shareholder support for the company's decarbonisation or net-zero transition plan. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


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