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Built environment

Learn how legal contracts can help to reduce carbon emissions throughout the built environment value chain.

Why climate contracting is important in the built environment


of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the built environment.

Source: Word Green Building Council


of the world’s waste comes from the built environment.

Source: CBRE

Our sector can play a critical role in reducing global carbon emissions. And we’re incentivised to do so. Real estate is highly vulnerable to the physical effects of a fast-changing climate (think heatwaves, flooding or land erosion). Whatever these assets mean to your business – be it an investment, global HQ for your business to occupy or security for your loan – the asset’s usability and long-term value need protecting. Built environment deals must get greener, and contracts provide the legal framework for that to happen.

Meet the team

Photo portrait of Meena Kamath

Meena Kamath

Head of Built Environment

Meena works with ambitious organisations across the sector to help them embed climate contracting practices, for example by running training or designing bespoke workshops. She has nearly 15 years of experience as a lawyer at international law firms including DLA Piper and Linklaters, and has worked in London, Rome and Hong Kong.

Rosie McKeown

Sector Relationship Manager – Built Environment

Rosie looks after relationships with our stakeholders and wider networks, as well as managing our events and projects. With a master’s degree in sustainability and management, and a background in marketing, Rosie is committed to driving climate action within the built environment sector.

How contracts can reduce carbon emissions

Every choice you make for your investment, development or occupational asset contains a carbon footprint. The carbon associated with these choices is locked into your emissions profile through the associated legal document, such as the building contract or lease.

You can unlock and reduce these emissions by reconsidering your choices and recording them in these contracts. Contracts allow you to take a more precise, bespoke approach to carbon reduction than you could if you simply waited for regulatory change to address these issues. You can tailor your carbon reduction commitments to your overarching climate goals, or to a particular project or counterparty.

Who is using our clauses

Case study

Buro Happold

Leading engineering and consulting firm Buro Happold uses standard terms and conditions to facilitate decarbonisation in the built environment sector
The Louvre in Abu Dhabi

Climate contracting principles are already being adopted in the built environment. There has been no pushback on any of the contracts entered into on these standard terms. Buro Happold observes that other parties’ contracts often contain sustainability criteria or objectives.”

Case study

Environment Agency (TEAM2100)

Requiring contractors to meet circular economy and decarbonisation requirements in flood management

TCLP clauses are a reliable and workable starting point for contract-specific drafting. Sharing of resources and educating your suppliers and consultants is a huge part of cascading sustainability obligations down the supply chain.”

View all our case studies

How we can help you

We’re a non-profit organisation working with the most ambitious organisations who want to be sustainability leaders in the sector. Our content is free for anyone to use and we also provide bespoke services, such as those below, free of charge.

Build awareness in your organisation

  • Identify areas for clause use
  • Present to your team or board on how to use our content
  • Connect you to other organisations or advisors using clauses

Guide you on implementation

  • Which clauses you can consider alongside your legal team, and how they can benefit your organisation
  • Troubleshoot common barriers you may face during the negotiation process

Support your advocacy

  • Upskill you to become a sustainability leader and champion our content
  • Develop your ambition to enable you to take the next step on your climate contracting journey

Useful guides


Align the board with climate goals

Enable good climate governance from the top down

Introduce climate provisions to contract parties

Create the right conditions for using contracts to reduce emissions from the very beginning

Request climate information in due diligence questionnaires

Assess the climate performance of other organisations and how they will impact your transition plan

View all guides

Construction clauses

Mary’s Clause

JCT Energy Efficiency and Environmental Obligations

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Estelle’s Clause

Climate Standard of Care (Construction)

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Francis’ Clause

Climate Aligned Construction Waste Management

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


View all construction clauses

Real estate clauses

Aatmay’s Clause

Commercial Lease: Repairs and Alterations (circular economy)

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Lotta’s Clause

Lease: Renewable Energy Obligations

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


View all real estate clauses

Insights and news

Why contracts in the built environment need to get greener

When you think of legal contracts and processes, your first thought probably isn’t innovation, collaboration, or fighting climate change.

External resources

Find relevant built environment clauses

We have a lot of clauses! Our friends at TLT LLP have created this resource to help you find climate-aligned drafting for different stages of your transaction and building life cycle.

View the built environment climate contracts tool

Better Buildings Partnership’s Green Lease Toolkit

The Chancery Lane Project sat on the steering committee and legal working group for the development and re-launch of the Better Buildings Partnership’s latest Green Lease Toolkit, which was substantially revised in January 2024. We support the industry using these high quality clauses in commercial leases.

View the Green Lease Toolkit

How are you using our clauses?

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