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Size Body — Velit gravida aliquet conubiaMin - font-size: 16px
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Max - font-size: 50px


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space-lg — 2rem
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space-gutter — var(--wp--custom--spacing--md)


  1. Ordered list item - Eiusmod eu mollit cillum.
  2. Ordered list item - Deserunt pariatur ea ad enim pariatur non minim anim adipiscing ea laborum eu commodo deserunt id culpa ipsum laborum eu
  3. Ordered list item - Voluptate cupidatat lorem, aliquip in.
  4. Ordered list item - Non amet voluptate tempor nostrud sunt.
  • Unordered list item - Nisi veniam ex sint.
  • Unordered list item - Irure officia sed, quis lorem.
  • Unordered list item - Sed sed lorem culpa ullamco commodo consectetur cupidatat laboris commodo cupidatat sit mollit lorem et enim eiusmod deserunt et voluptate
  • Unordered list item - Veniam, exercitation enim amet id sit consequat consequat.

Cillum, consectetur nostrud nulla.


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<button class="cfc-button">Ways to get involved</button>
<button class="cfc-button cfc-button--navy">Ways to get involved</button>
<button class="cfc-button cfc-button--secondary">Ways to get involved</button>
<button class="cfc-button cfc-button--tag">Ways to get involved</button>
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Guides summary card / Large


Align the board with climate goals

Enable good climate governance from the top down

Enforce and incentivise decarbonisation through contracts

Agree incentives for meeting climate obligations and set consequences for when they’re not met

Factor climate considerations into board decisions

Ensure the board makes decisions that support rather than undermine its transition plan

Guides summary card / Small


Align the board with climate goals

Enable good climate governance from the top down

Enforce and incentivise decarbonisation through contracts

Agree incentives for meeting climate obligations and set consequences for when they’re not met

Factor climate considerations into board decisions

Ensure the board makes decisions that support rather than undermine its transition plan

Clauses summary card / Large

Clara’s Guide & Checklist

A Beginner’s Guide and Checklist for Accessing Sustainability-Linked Loans (SLLs)

Clara's Guide & ChecklistThis guide and checklist can be used to introduce borrowers to, and encourage them to access, Sustainability-Linked Loans (SLLs).[Drafting note: Clara's Guide and Checklist should be…

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Sarah’s Clause

Allocating Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions for Leased Assets

Sarah's ClauseThis clause allocates responsibility for measuring and reporting the scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions of leased assets between the Lessor and Lessee.[This clause is recommended as template…

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Dorothy’s Clause

Alteration/ Improvement Provisions in Leases to Improve Climate/ Environmental Impact of Buildings and Better Use of Shared Space

Dorothy’s ClauseThis clause requires landlords to act reasonably when tenants propose alterations to their premises (and changes of use) or improvements to common areas, which have a positive climate…

Jurisdiction: USA


Clauses summary card / Small

Glossary terms summary card / Large

1.5C Aligned


Definitions: 2

100% Renewable Energy and Renewable Energy Sources


Definitions: 2

Abatement Measures


Definitions: 1

Glossary terms summary card / Small

Glossary term

1.5C Aligned


Definitions: 2

Glossary term

100% Renewable Energy and Renewable Energy Sources


Definitions: 2

Glossary term

Abatement Measures


Definitions: 1

Case studies summary card / Large

Case study

Bates Wells

Acknowledging the climate emergency in a licence agreement to facilitate counterparties’ net zero goals
Case study

Buro Happold

Leading engineering and consulting firm Buro Happold uses standard terms and conditions to facilitate decarbonisation in the built environment sector
The Louvre in Abu Dhabi
Case study

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Requiring alignment of net zero targets through the value chain, supported with emissions reporting and reductions
Cambridge University

Case studies summary card / Medium

Case study

Bates Wells

Acknowledging the climate emergency in a licence agreement to facilitate counterparties’ net zero goals
Case study

Buro Happold

Leading engineering and consulting firm Buro Happold uses standard terms and conditions to facilitate decarbonisation in the built environment sector
The Louvre in Abu Dhabi
Case study

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Requiring alignment of net zero targets through the value chain, supported with emissions reporting and reductions
Cambridge University

Case studies summary card / Small

Bates Wells

Acknowledging the climate emergency in a licence agreement to facilitate counterparties’ net zero goals

Buro Happold

Leading engineering and consulting firm Buro Happold uses standard terms and conditions to facilitate decarbonisation in the built environment sector
The Louvre in Abu Dhabi

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Requiring alignment of net zero targets through the value chain, supported with emissions reporting and reductions
Cambridge University

News summary card

Climate contract database

TCLP's founder, Matt Gingell, has authored a white paper on how a climate contract database supports the implementation and effectiveness of climate contracting. These are our key takeaways.

Our 2023 Impact Report is finally here!

Organisational updates
In 2023 we evolved to better support you in achieving your decarbonisation goals and the report will take you on that journey with us.

Personio Foundation adds TCLP to its 2023 Impact Portfolio

Organisational updates
TCLP’s mission to add climate change solutions to every business contract around the world took a major step forward today, with the announcement of new support from Personio Foundation.

Person summary card – landscape

Person summary cards – portrait

Page headers

These can only be viewed in the context of a page so we link to them directly below.

Clause callout

Clause example wording

Example wording

Party A shall…

  • Item 1
  • Item 2

Clause updates


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Call to action – clause

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Call to action – generic

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Irure amet velit anim exercitation. Velit anim exercitation laborum tempor mollit, cillum. Laborum tempor mollit cillum dolore.


Irure amet velit anim exercitation. Velit anim exercitation laborum tempor mollit, cillum. Laborum tempor mollit cillum dolore.

Cards (with icons)


Elit ullamco nisi, cillum occaecat. Cillum occaecat officia fugiat duis lorem dolor. Officia fugiat duis, lorem dolor voluptate.


Elit ullamco nisi, cillum occaecat. Cillum occaecat officia fugiat duis lorem dolor. Officia fugiat duis, lorem dolor voluptate.


Elit ullamco nisi, cillum occaecat. Cillum occaecat officia fugiat duis lorem dolor. Officia fugiat duis, lorem dolor voluptate.


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