
Climate aligned clauses you can use in commercial contracts and legal documents

153 clauses

Tristan's Clause

Construction : Procuring Materials and Carbon Budgets

A formal ‘carbon budget’ alongside the traditional financial budget for construction projects, to incentivise industry participants to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through use of more sustainable materials. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Rose's Clause

GHG Emissions Management Plans in Infrastructure and Construction Project Finance

This clause builds climate change mitigation into the environmental/ social standards in Development Finance Institution (DFI) or Export Credit Agency (ECA) finance transactions.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Sienna's Clause

Green Acquisition Obligations

A share purchase/ asset purchase agreement clause requiring the purchaser to maintain/ improve the target company's green credentials post acquisition, linked to payment from escrow if successful.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Lewi's Clause

Film Production: Carbon Footprint Disclosure

A clause in production agreements obliging video/film production companies to disclose the carbon footprint generated by the production of the video/film in the credits.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Cassie's Clause

Insurance: Disclosure and Mitigation of Pending Climate Change Litigation

A clause ‘extending’ insurance policies to cover pending climate change litigation, on the condition that the policyholder discloses its net zero targets and climate risk exposure.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Matthew's Clause

Late Payment – Green Interest Remedies

Creative interest rate remedies by which payments are made either to a “green” cause or an off-setter. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Rory's Clause

Net Zero Land Promotion Agreement

Amendments to standard land promotion agreements and precedents aimed at balancing climate change and environmental issues against maximising financial returns for the landowner and promoter.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Alexandros’ Clause

Sponsorship agreement: Net Zero Outcome

A clause focusing on activation of sponsor rights relating to net zero to incentivise change, including a ‘reverse win bonus’ for the Sponsor if they hit their net zero target sooner.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Elsie's Resolutions

Shareholder Resolutions Relating to a Company’s Climate Change Commitments

A template shareholder resolution that sets out obligations relating to a company's climate change commitments. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Javier's Clause

Stakeholder Company Climate Questionnaire

A questionnaire for a third party to put to a company or other organisation to find out more about its taking decarbonisation or net-zero transition plan.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Robyn's Questionnaire

Subcontractor/ Supplier Self-Assessment Climate Questionnaire (Construction)

A questionnaire which identifies the climate change risk expectations of an organisation and asks subcontractors/ suppliers to self assess across these criteria.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Griff's Clause

Template Board Paper for Significant Contracts/ Transactions

Template board papers with detailed prompts for considering the climate impacts of significant contracts and transactions and the associated climate risks to a business.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


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