
Climate aligned clauses you can use in commercial contracts and legal documents

153 clauses

Luke's Clause

The ‘Green Supplier’ Contract – A Standardised Contractual Pricing Model

A standardised green supplier schedule that helps purchasers to reduce Scope 3 emissions by incentivising their supply chain to adopt environmental targets.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Izzy's Clause

Benchmarking of Project Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A mechanism that benchmarks a contractor's carbon footprint against the market. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Benjamin's Licence

Intellectual Property: Free Licence for Climate Purposes

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments by an intellectual property rights (IPR) holder to make available certain IPR for the research and development of third party commercial solutions to minimise climate change.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Callum and Theo's Clause

Climate Standard Transaction Terms

Model climate terms and conditions that an impact investor financing private sector infrastructure in developing countries can incorporate into its standard documents. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Larissa's Clause

Facility Agreement Clauses Promoting Sustainability-Linked Loans within the Cement Industry

A set of sustainability-linked clauses to be incorporated into Facility Agreements: including covenants, representations and a ratcheted interest rate linked to emissions reduction performance. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Harrison's Clause

Green Loan “Starter Pack”

Green loan clauses that are aligned to the Green Loan Principles (as defined below) by reference to Loan Market Association (LMA) style drafting.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Caesar's Clause

Greener and More Efficient HGVs in Road and Multimodal Transport Agreements

A clause requiring contracting carriers to use energy efficient vehicles for any road carriage under a transport agreement, or otherwise specify that a percentage of road journeys will use green HGVs.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Bella's Clause

Management Equity Ratchet Terms

A template clause for inclusion in investment documents to financially incentivise management teams to meet targets which are linked to climate change and environmental issues.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Joni's Clause

TV Production: Promotion of Sustainable Consumption and Travel

Commissioning broadcasters and platforms contractually requiring production companies to promote sustainable product consumption and travel, both on-screen and during production. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Evelyn and Ezra's Clause

Securing Net Zero in Planning Development Projects

Drafting resources to help local planning authorities gain confidence in requiring carbon neutral development as standard in their areas through policy, planning conditions and obligations. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Agatha's Clause

Supply: Termination for Greener Supplier

The clause gives customers a right to switch supplier if their existing supplier is unable to match a ‘greener’ offer made by an alternative supplier.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Clara's Guide & Checklist

A Beginner’s Guide and Checklist for Accessing Sustainability-Linked Loans (SLLs)

This guide and checklist can be used to introduce borrowers to, and encourage them to access, Sustainability-Linked Loans (SLLs).

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


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