
Climate aligned clauses you can use in commercial contracts and legal documents

153 clauses

Hanley's Clause

Climate Change Clauses for Heads of Terms

Standard drafting for heads of terms that makes climate a key consideration for any deal team. These heads of terms are particularly relevant for parties with public decarbonisation or net-zero targets.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Iris' Clause

Climate Contract Risk Sharing (ex Force Majeure)

Amendments and additions to standard Force Majeure agreements to ensure contracting parties work together to balance financial risks and avoid unintended adverse environmental and social issues.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Zoë and Bea’s Clause

Green Supplier Agreement Terms

Green procurement clauses and a checklist to focus standard supply agreements on reducing emissions across a value chain.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Elliot's Handbook

Net Zero Culture Employment Handbook

Sustainability policies to include in employment handbooks so that these issues permeate all levels of the employment relationship and encourage development of a sustainable culture.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Teddy's Clause

Supplier Environmental Threshold Obligations

Insert at purchase warranties for environmental performance and continuous improvement obligations. This will build in long term environmental improvements and transparency into supply agreements.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Maria's Scorecard

Supply Chain Emissions Scorecard

A pro forma scorecard to be incorporated into commercial agreements as a schedule, allowing supply chain sustainability to be viewed through the lens of risk to business continuity.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Ming's Clause

Target Product Carbon Footprint (Schedule for Consumer Goods Contracts)

A Target Product Carbon Footprint budget (which reduces over time) for each product manufactured and supplied pursuant to the contract.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Dottie's Clause

Climate Purchase Agreement and Underwriting Sponsor Warranties

Extension of director and major shareholder warranties and issuer/director undertakings in underwriting, sponsor and similar agreements in respect of environmental position and climate risk.

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


Annie's Clause

Green Termination Provision (Short Form)

A clause that allows a right of termination for a customer so that they can pivot to a greener supplier to meet their sustainability, climate or other environmental objectives. 

Jurisdiction: England & Wales


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